Good Morning Hank, it's Thursday January 4 I'm standing on top of little Pisgah mountain in North Carolina. [Jump to John inside] That was actually recorded on Wednesday January 3rd, but you'd have no way of knowing. I believe that's what they call movie magic! Hank, in your last video you asked me to continue our discussion of our differences. I think one of the most important differences between us is that you are excellent at living in a way that's commensurate with your values where as I am not. Uh, for instance, I didn't recycle until I watched An Inconvenient Truth, and I'm still sorta iffy on it. And also, uh, I didn't vote *sigh* in 2000. Even though I could have voted in Florida. AH GEORGE BUSH IT'S ALL MY FAULT! GOD I'M SO STUPID! Let's change the subject.
Also we have vastly different happy dances. Well I noticed that in your last video you completely ignored my "Eat Five Sheets of Toilet Paper While Discussing the Political Situation in Nepal" challenge. Let's just admit that that was some awesome pronunciation. If you're not going to eat five sheets of toilet paper while discussing the political situation in Nepal, well, I'm going to. All right, Green, you better do this in one take because it's not gonna be fun. *first and second sheets of toilet paper ingested* *gag* The thing about the political situation in Nepal is that there are these (unintelligible) rebels who control one half of the country. Who has Maoist rebels any more? Ugh. No. *gagging/coughing* I can't do it, Hank. I think this stuff is two-ply. I think that was part of the problem because if you get the one-ply stuff, I can just oghomamamam just down that stuff, but this stuff? Ooph. Also, Hank, I have great news! Brotherhood 2.0 viewer, Peter, just had a baby. Well actually his wife had a baby. She was in labor for 32 hours! I'm thinking maybe we should get them a baby present. What do you call a baby present? A baby-warming present? A baby present. I was thinking maybe we could let Peter pick a project or challenge for us? What do you think?
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