Tuesday, November 2

Brotherhood 2.0: February 7, 2007

Good morning, Hank, it's Wednesday, February 7th, and it's story day! Our story today is called: Everyone Poops in My Pants, by Hank Green.
My name is Hank, and I have a small problem. Everyone poops in my pants. Each morning, I wake up, and dozens of people surround my house chanting:
"What do we want to poop in?!"
"Hank's pants!"
"When do we want to poop in them?!"
"Hay hay, ho ho, into Hank's pants we gotta go!"
"Hay hay, ho ho, into Hank's pants we gotta go!"
I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, "Hank, I believe that many people have pooped in your pants, but I remain unconvinced that everyone has pooped in your pants, and that is true enough. For instance, many poor people haven't pooped in my pants because they lack the resources to fly to Montana; and many babies haven't pooped in my pants because they're too busy pooping in their own. I'm just saying that statistically an improbably large number of people have pooped in my pants. My mom, and dad, and my brother John have all pooped in my pants. Kristen Dunst was wearing and pooping in my pants during the entire filing of Spiderman 2. The entire Liverpool Football club pooped in my Umbros immedently after winning the 2005 UEFA Cup. German novelist Günter Grass pooped in my pants while wearing his Nobel Prize. Stephen Dedalus is just one of the many fictional characters who have who have nonfictionaly pooped in my nonfictional pants. Al Roker had my pants tailored to fit him, and then pooped in them. Vladimir Ilyich Linden died in 1924 but has nonetheless pooped in my pants. George W. Bush is so incompetent that he failed to poop in my pants; although he did poop near my pants and then later claimed that he had never intended to poop in my pants and that no one in his administration had ever talked about pooping in anyone's pants. Having seen his poop, I can report that it looks exactly like bullshit. (shows a sign saying, "Guess what we got in a bag: Cow Shit) Wow, those guys must be selling the president's war plan.
People often ask me, "Hank, does it bother you that everyone poops in your pants?" Yes it does! Sometimes something great will happen, like the other day Barak Obama came by and he pooped in my pants, and his poop kind of makes me believe in America again. But mostly, I dislike having people poop in my pants. But everyone has a cross to bear. Some people have chronic back pain. Some people are on Team Karen. Some people are Republicans. Me? I just happen to have pants into which people really like to poop. It could certainly be worse. It's like Monty Python member Eric Idle once told me while he was pooping in my pants. (Brotherhood 2.0 logo shows up, with "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life by Eric Idle playing in the background)
(back on John, talking rather fast) Hank, per the request of several commenters, I hereby challenge you to answer every single question in your survey, in one video blog of three minutes and thirty seconds or less. Yes you will have to talk at this speed! Hank, I'll see you tomorrow.

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