Monday, November 1

Brotherhood 2.0: January 1st

Hey John,
I guess you've heard by now (beep beep) Auto Power off? Why the f- Still some glitches to work out. Hello John, by now you've received my message that we will no longer be communicating through any textual means. No more instant messaging no more emailing only video blogging. And possibly phone calls.
You can see my eye in my eye aaaahhhh.
OK, just try to ignore that. There, you can't see it now, can you?
Last night I sent you an email from a New Years Eve party in Lake Tahoe. The email outlined our plans. Staring on January 1st, today, I will send you a video blog. Tomorrow you will reply to that video blog. We will continue like this until the year is up. If one of us fails to send a video blog on a weekday there will be certain punishments. The punishments will be outlined later. I finished this email: cross my heart, hope to die, and I may very possibly be required to stick a needle in my eye. That's the kind of punishment I'm talking about.
(Crazy plays at party)
Brotherhood 2.0 commences today. Does that make us crazy? Probably.
Haaaaaaa mmmmmmm.

1 comment:

  1. This is actually so so so incredible. I love being able to read through the videos when I can't watch them- it looks much less suspicious to be reading in school than it does to be watching a video of, say, someone spray painting his hair green. So anyway, thanks, and I love this!
